Friday, September 9, 2011

The lights...they're back!!!

There's no doubt that summer is ending and the daylight is getting shorter. What does that mean for us bikers who can't just sit at home? Night rides! Dust off those Stellas, MiniNewts, and MagicShines, it's time to ride! Where the city lights are in the distance, bugs fly in your mouth, and the bats just might swoop down and go for you.

After tonight's fun/walk run hosted by THOR, a few of us had our bikes ready and the lights charged up (except Brian who just grabbed his light and crossed his fingers). Dave P, Paul, Steve, Brian, Dale, and myself spun a quick lap just to get out and enjoy the night. The weather was cool, possums were stopping us cold, and the trees were not only grabbing handlebars (at least once for me in the trees), but they were also jumping out in front of riders. Paul had a close call with one tree, I seriously didn't think he was going to stop in time! Good times. Thanks for the drinks and for the bike ride fellas!

Remnants of tonight's THOR sponsored activity 

1 comment:

  1. Middle-earth is not the only place where the trees move around.

    Thanks for the updates/photos on your blog Mike. It was a fun evening.
