Huskers win 40-7 against Tennessee at Chattanooga! First game in the Big 10 conference and I had the chance to ride down in a limo to see the game. Had a blast and thanks to my friend Dana for arranging both the tickets and the limo for us folks. As we got into the limo, I thought it was going to be a rainy soaked game but the weather cleared up just as we were entering Lincoln.
Jess' expression is priceless as she watches Dana pour the beer into her krunk glass (Jess is on the right)! Cracks me up!
The original limo fools! Man, I need to start wearing that shirt more often...arms look huge!
Rollups = awesomeness!
April and Molly avoiding the rain with a poncho
P.I.M.P.I.N the Husker...slippers???!!!
Now for anyone who has ever lived in Lincoln, you would know that driving south on 84th street all the way out to Pioneer's Blvd, then west to 56th and back to O street is counterproductive. Especially when you have to pick up a wedding at 2pm (it was 12:15 by then) and you have a couple of fellas in the back that really had to go to the bathroom. I'm not naming names, but I just might have jumped out of the limo at 22nd and O Street to use the bathroom at some guy's auto detail shop. Wow, thought I was going to burst inside of the limo. Ryan and I then walked down towards the stadium to meet up with our tailgating folk.
Oh how I missed you Husker gamedays!
They call it the sea of red...
Husker Tunnel Walk vs TN at Chattanooga from Misterlime on Vimeo.
Sideline during one of many bathroom breaks!
The game was good, but seriously I don't remember a whole lot of it! Sounds like a repeat of the Cubs/Cardinals game! Having too much fun at the games and not really paying attention seems to be the recurring theme! Does it help that I snuck in some Sailor Jerry's into Memorial Stadium? I did it remains a secret!!! Happy Birthday Dana B!!!
This guy was dancing in front of us and suddenly pulls this prank on us. WTH!!!!
And Jena was there too!
Was he making a fashion statement?
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