So this afternoon while riding the single track with Todd and Mike and a fellow rider we met in the parking lot, I was riding along, business as usual, when all of the sudden it felt like I took a bee sting (to which I'm extremely allergic) or a nasty bite on the inside of my left thigh. Seconds later another, this time on the right thigh. I had to stop to make sure I wasn't in danger of going into anaphylactic shock (which would have required two or three of the others to have to carry me a few miles to the nearest vehicle). Luckily, I didn't find the culprit buzzing around and after a few minutes I realized it must have just been a spider or some other biting pest. I continued the trip and finished the ride with no further complications. I had forgotten all about it until my wife, who hooked up (don't read into that) with the trail director (Frank) ,and received a guided tour through the entire course, mentioned that along their journey, Frank suggested along one particular spot on the trail, to make sure to stand up on her pedals as they were crossing some electrical lines! He mentioned that if you don't stand and ride through the section, that there's a good chance that you will get a nice little jolt of electricity (it's not the volts but the amps that will get you). I laughed out loud hearing this, and although getting shocked on the inner thighs isn't pleasant, at least I didn't have to be rushed to the emergency room. I'll make sure to stand through that section going forward. Not sure if I'll point it out to the others just yet.....
No way! That is crazy to hear. Maybe I'll stand there next time and touch the wires to my belly. Belly flab, be gone!!! Instant six pack! As seen on tv!