Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Taco ride tomorrow
A few of us are planning to hit the Taco Ride tomorrow evening. Roll out from the school parking lot around 6-6:15pm. There will also be a street dance and live band in Mineola to help kick off the weekend. tacos.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Rollin to Colon early Sunday morning

Sunday morning, June 27 finally rolled around. I wasn't sure what to expect in terms of weather for today's fundraising bike ride. A scorcher like Saturday? Or another rained out bike ride like every other weekend for us? To my surprise, the temperature was perfect! A cool 75 degrees during the ride, slight headwind at first, but that would play in our favor on the way back to Valley.
People of all ages were out biking for a good cause
A couple of ladies stopping to take a drink at the 10 mile turnaround
Of course I was wearing my Livestrong edition Oakley Jawbones. This was a ride to raise awareness for cancer!
It was a relief to stop at the support station for some goodies!
Bumped into Alex and Brian H after I put in my 20 miles. Alex saw my previous blog entry and decided to join the ride along with his friend Charles. I'm glad someone reads this blog ;-)
A live band provided the entertainment during the provided lunch
Alex and I enjoying a lunch after the ride. (photo provided by Alex)
Alex couldn't decide whether to bike or swim (photo provided by Alex)
Alex's friend Charles overlooking the Platte River (photo provided by Alex)
A cool looking shirt and water bottle also came along with the ride
ps. To those bikers who saw me, I was the one with the camera on top of my helmet
Rollin' to Colon
Saturday, June 26, 2010
All I saw was grass coming towards my face...
That best sums up my night ride tonight at Tranquility. Not sure if I have ever gone for a trail ride on a Friday after work and the gym. Usually out partying or just sitting on the couch after wrapping up a long week. Paul's Fride email was sent, I said heck yeah I'm down for a Friday ride, hence Fride. But one catch, it will be a night ride! Pumped up the Race Kings on the Trek (new pump works beautifully), new odi grips like krazy glue under my gloves, roll out!
Notice the moon in the background of the picture! Sweet!
After the panel discussion last night at the THOR fundraiser, I decided to leave the Honda in the garage and bike over to Paul's instead. It's a short two miles and I should have been biking to the MNRs in the first place. My fault for being so lazy. Yeah yeah yeah, it's a time constraint after getting out of work and making my way down Maple. Whatev.
Paul and I discovered just how nice the evening was once we got on the trail. Nice wind to keep us ventilated, the bugs weren't chewing yet (thanks to the Deet), and there was a full moon helping to illuminate the trail. The trail was dry for the most part, maybe a few spots here and there that can splash some mud on your calves. Chris P was out putting up THOR signage and only two other riders on the trail at the beginning. By lap two the trail was getting dark and it was time to switch on the Stella.
My phone was ringing like crazy, but I usually choose to ignore my phone calls while on rides. Suddenly, Todd merges onto the trail behind me and in front of Paul. What the? So Todd joined us on our second lap and we stopped to watch the fireworks coming from the north. Once back to the gravel road Paul decided to call it good. Todd and I decided we might as well do another since we're here. My third lap, out of water, quads beginning to cramp. Should have been my sign. But who cares! It was too nice of a night on the trail to call it quits. Riding the northside, I was beginning to get tired and sluggish. Had lifted at the gym after work and my energy was getting low. Once we got near the fork in the trail by the Fort Street entrance, I decided to take the shorter left side while Todd went to the right. Unfortunately I had followed him at first, then cut left through the grass. Next thing I know, I was flying through the air! I ended up doing an endo and saw the grass hitting my yellow Jawbones. My right hand was still on my right grip (I tell you those odi grips are like velcro!) and I had landed on my left arm. Whew! Nothing broken, no open wounds. Good to go. I looked and there was a 4 inch tall log buried in the grass after the fork in the trail. I didn't see it in the dark and the tall grass hid it like a hot dog in a bun. My bike obviously didn't clear it, but I sure as heck did!
We laughed about it and continued on. I mentioned to Todd in the pine trees that the birds are angry at us for waking them with our lights, voices, and bikes rolling through. He slows down and kind of goes slightly off the trail. Haha, a bird sh*t right on his arm! I booked it out of there and said let's get the hell out! Todd calls his Giant the Blue Bomber, but I think this time it was he who was getting bombed!
It was such a good ride, maybe we need to consider doing a TGIF night ride or something? Not only will I be saving money by not going out, but I'll get some cardio in at the same time. It's a win win situation! Just watch out for them birds...and those hidden logs.
Notice the moon in the background of the picture! Sweet!
After the panel discussion last night at the THOR fundraiser, I decided to leave the Honda in the garage and bike over to Paul's instead. It's a short two miles and I should have been biking to the MNRs in the first place. My fault for being so lazy. Yeah yeah yeah, it's a time constraint after getting out of work and making my way down Maple. Whatev.
Paul and I discovered just how nice the evening was once we got on the trail. Nice wind to keep us ventilated, the bugs weren't chewing yet (thanks to the Deet), and there was a full moon helping to illuminate the trail. The trail was dry for the most part, maybe a few spots here and there that can splash some mud on your calves. Chris P was out putting up THOR signage and only two other riders on the trail at the beginning. By lap two the trail was getting dark and it was time to switch on the Stella.
The new grips and Stella were ready to go for a night ride

Todd telling Paul about his good experience at Greenstreet Cycles today
We laughed about it and continued on. I mentioned to Todd in the pine trees that the birds are angry at us for waking them with our lights, voices, and bikes rolling through. He slows down and kind of goes slightly off the trail. Haha, a bird sh*t right on his arm! I booked it out of there and said let's get the hell out! Todd calls his Giant the Blue Bomber, but I think this time it was he who was getting bombed!
Seriously, do we look like bullseyes?
It was such a good ride, maybe we need to consider doing a TGIF night ride or something? Not only will I be saving money by not going out, but I'll get some cardio in at the same time. It's a win win situation! Just watch out for them birds...and those hidden logs.
Had a great time at THOR fundraiser!
So I came very close to owning a new bike. Yeah, you can never own enough. It's like my obsession with sunglasses and shoes. What's that, the bike is the wrong size? Martin Bixby says pull that baby down and stand over it. Hmm...close call. Medium frame isn't quite the same as a 20" frame. Darn! Sleek flat black Trek Soho you'll go home with someone else tonight. That was the first thing going through my mind as I looked at the silent auction prizes. Move on...move on. Next thing I see? Tables galore of raffle prizes just staring at me waiting to be won!
Signed Astana jersey. Sweet!
Ryan talking to past Olympian and Leadville racer Travis Brown
Lots of people checking out the schwag to be won
I won a new Bontrager pump and am a happy boy! I've been needing one for two years now and have already used it!

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tranquility Trail Day done
Walking out of work, I was greatly surprised to find out that the temperature was just about perfect. Not crazy humid and not a scorching 100 degree afternoon. Amazing weather for the planned trailday. I met up with the THOR crew at 6pm at the Tranquility trailhead. Nine of us made it out on a great evening for some trailwork. Dale had a borrowed sod cutter in his possession which worked great! He used it to cut the inner loop bypass. Sod was transplanted to other areas, trees and branches were cut, and DMars helped to smooth out areas on the inner loop. Now we just need it to dry so that we can ride. Seriously folks, my Trek is getting dusty.
Dale and Todd getting started with the sod cutter
Brian and Dave N. finishing the work on the inner loop bypass at Tranquility
Okay, rarely will you ever see me working. Had to borrow this picture from Paul.
Ponca's Revenge XC last weekend
Having not ridden dirt in awhile (thanks to mother nature), I wasn't really feeling the need to race last Saturday up at Ponca State Park. Many friends were driving up and I figured it would be a great chance to practice my photography skills so I said why not? Leaving before 6am on a Saturday was not my idea of fun, but you gotta do what you gotta do! Heck, I wasn't driving and I wasn't racing so what did I care?
Both Alex and Todd so close to 1st place!
Todd making his way up the first tough climb
Dave with the thumbs up before crossing the finish line
Anyway, the trail looked great and the climbs were hard. Congrats to all who put the effort in to race that beautiful Saturday. Todd finished 3rd in Cat 3 open WITH a rear flat tire, while Alex placed 2nd in Cat 3 35+. Good job fellas! Check out the results of friends here at Team Spokehole and all results here at Psycowpath.
Todd and Alex moving some air into the tires
Dale on his trusty Mary
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
THOR Fundraiser June 24, 2010
At first I wasn't planning to go, but now I'm really excited for this event! Week has been busy, trailwork tomorrow and Friday have plans after work. The fundraiser will be a great time to mingle with fellow mt bikers, THOR members, and others in general. Sounds like there will be a ton of prizes available to win (including a bike), you can meet Travis Brown who raced at the Leadville 100, and you'll be helping THOR to raise some money for projects and equipment that will help to better the community trails. Begins at 5:15pm at Barley's Bar and Grill, with screening of Race Across the Sky at 7pm at Filmstreams. Details are here on the THOR blog. Get some...
Monday, June 21, 2010
Work it...THOR trail day at Tranquility Wed June 23
From THOR blog
Tranquility Trail Day Wed June 23rd 6-8pm
Hi folks,
We are looking for 10-12 people to work at tranq wed evening. Meet at the trail head @ 6pm. The goals for the night are:
Use sod cutter to cut in the inner loop bypass
Clean out drains on erosion control devices
Replace broken trail markers
Raise canopy on north side of trail
Bring hoes and loppers if you have them or we will have some tools to use during the trail day. As always, bring bug spray and gloves. We will have some water on hand as well.
**Added bonus**
Come out and see the extremely cool piece of equipment that Bike Masters and Bike Masters Cycling Club have provided for Tranquility.
Hope to see ya there!
Tranq Trail Council
Posted by buconine at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Tranquility Trail Day Wed June 23rd 6-8pm
Hi folks,
We are looking for 10-12 people to work at tranq wed evening. Meet at the trail head @ 6pm. The goals for the night are:
Use sod cutter to cut in the inner loop bypass
Clean out drains on erosion control devices
Replace broken trail markers
Raise canopy on north side of trail
Bring hoes and loppers if you have them or we will have some tools to use during the trail day. As always, bring bug spray and gloves. We will have some water on hand as well.
**Added bonus**
Come out and see the extremely cool piece of equipment that Bike Masters and Bike Masters Cycling Club have provided for Tranquility.
Hope to see ya there!
Tranq Trail Council
Posted by buconine at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 19, 2010
My first Taco Ride...for 2010 that is

We made it out there without a hitch, after a stop at Margaritaville of course. Thanks to Paul for the much needed refreshments. After a few group shots, we pushed on to Mineola. There were less people than I envisioned, but it was great because we started off at two different tables but then migrated to one. Lightning in the north captured the attention of many, and we decided it was time to pay the bill and vamoose.

Alright, not gonna lie. Trying to get in Jersey Shore condition. Gym, Tan, Laundry. GTL. So I've been eating a little healthier, but not at the taco ride. Drank at Margaritaville, then ate six tacos, drank a margarita, and then drank a full pitcher of beer on tap. Booked it back to Lewis Central parking lot, where it started to pour as my car was in sight. Oh well, cool off...
Only accident we saw? Alex and I passed a rider who was under his bike in the trees. He was just sitting there, trees on his right supporting him and bike on his left resting on him. I asked if he was alright, he replied yes. So we rode on, but I said we better check on him and turned around. So he finally got up, and checked himself. He had a rack over his back tire with a bungee over his cube cooler (I have one). His other bungee had broken and he was looking for it. It was wrapped in his rear spokes! So he secured himself and got back on his bike. Tried to push off, immediately fell back into the trees. Amateur was trashed! He finally got going and we followed him for a bit before deciding that he was okay.
Cory was thirsty!

Anyway, good times, good group of riders and good weather for the most part. I would say let's do it next week. but I think many of us plan to attend the THOR FUNdraiser.
Bring the rain!
Photo courtesy of, pic number 18
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Colon Cancer Awareness Ride
Caught this charity event in a tiny section of today's GO section. Takes place Sunday, June 27, 2010. They have 53, 20, and 10 mile loops starting in Valley, NE. Registration is reasonable and you don't have to go bugging neighbors/coworkers for sponsorship. All funds go to support the Great Plains Colon Cancer Task Force. Anybody interested? I think I might do the 20 mile loop. Check out details here at
UPDATE: I'm signed up and paid for the 20 mile loop, starts at 8am. Anybody else want to do this with me?
UPDATE: I'm signed up and paid for the 20 mile loop, starts at 8am. Anybody else want to do this with me?
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Trek and Gary Fisher become one...
The Gary Fisher Collection by Trek. No more GF as a standalone brand. It's like the melting pot of the bike industry. The companies share many of the same geometries, technologies, and components. It's about time I guess. Read about it here
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Taco Ride this Thursday???
Tacos + bike ride = a deliciously good time. High of 93, low of 72. As of last night, they said no rain. Now they are saying AM t-storms. According to, the trail needs about 3 hrs to dry off. Do it! Roll out from trailhead at 6pm, bring your lights. Oh yeah, and lock. That's a long 10 mile walk back without a bike!
update: 30% chance of scattered Tstorms from 6pm thru the rest of Thursday night. I'll chance it. I have the feeling that my Stella isn't waterproof??? Sunset at 9pm, will be a nice ride.
update: 30% chance of scattered Tstorms from 6pm thru the rest of Thursday night. I'll chance it. I have the feeling that my Stella isn't waterproof??? Sunset at 9pm, will be a nice ride.
Monday, June 14, 2010
My own MNR
Darn rain ruining our rides, AGAIN! Decided that I needed some cardio so I did a quick pavement ride after work. Didn't go far, just made a loop around Standing Bear Lake back to home. I've also set a goal to have the unicycle mastered by the end of July. Deciding that the seat was too high, I had to do some slight operation to the seatpost. That involved cutting the end off with a hacksaw to prevent the seatpost from hitting the tire. It was a really uncomfortable stretch just to get on. Much better now! A unicycling I will go...
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