With the snow finally gone (hopefully), this video is a little late. But we have the snowshoes to do some snow stomping, just need that other key component to do like these guys in the video.
Watch the snow endo at 3:17.
Saw this video on the Milltown Cycles blog
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
3 hr bike ride to work
Outside magazine article about a guy that commutes three hours to work, by bike! Doesn't ride back home the same day. But still. Wow. Check it out.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
THOR Annual Membership Meeting
You like to ride! You like to play in the dirt! You want to help build and maintain the trails in the Omaha metro area. If true, then join us at the THOR meeting this coming Saturday. Thought I was going to be out of town...but now I'll see you guys there! Link to T.H.O.R. here
THOR Annual Membership Meeting
Time: Saturday, February 26 · 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: National Park Service
601 River Front Drive
Omaha, NE
THOR Annual Membership Meeting
Time: Saturday, February 26 · 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: National Park Service
601 River Front Drive
Omaha, NE
SB ride
That stands for Standing Bear ride on the Steel Bike. After a long night of partying at Loom at Nomad Lounge last night (I'm talking get to bed at 5am), I decided to skip the ride to Zorinsky with the gang. Didn't think my body could take the abuse. After watching two episodes of Sons of Guns on Discovery, I checked the weather and found out how crappy the weather will be this week. I better get off the comfy couch and do some riding.
Got out around 3:30 and realized that the temps had dropped about 13 degrees since noon. It was no longer 50 degrees out. Yikes! Twice I had to run back inside and put more layers on. There was a strong wind blowing from the north, I felt sorry for Paul and gang on the Papio! And yes Dave N, you are correct. People walking their dogs at Standing Bear need to clean up after their dogs! Piles of dog mess everywhere!
Got out around 3:30 and realized that the temps had dropped about 13 degrees since noon. It was no longer 50 degrees out. Yikes! Twice I had to run back inside and put more layers on. There was a strong wind blowing from the north, I felt sorry for Paul and gang on the Papio! And yes Dave N, you are correct. People walking their dogs at Standing Bear need to clean up after their dogs! Piles of dog mess everywhere!
Standing Bear Lake
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Salvation Army Night Watch
Last Thursday, I was invited by my friend Lindsay to help volunteer with this awesome program. I had heard of it before, but had no clue what it was about. Every Tuesday and Thursday, the Salvation Army sends out two huge trucks (bigger than an ambulance) filled with food, drinks, coats, gloves, scarves, and even socks out to both North Omaha and South Omaha.
I happened to be on the South Omaha one last week. It's super easy volunteer work if you are guys are looking for some volunteer opportunities. Lindsay, Melissa, and I actually just stayed inside scooping already prepared food into take out containers. We then handed them outside through the little side window to the Salvation Army workers that handed them out to people in need. Easy as that! They do the driving, they know the stops. We were done in two hours and the time just flew by.
It was kind of sad seeing the 2-3 dozen or more folks standing outside the truck waiting for a hot meal. Even families with small children just needing meals. Many even asked for clothing, nothing fancy, but even just things like clean socks and gloves! My friend Lindsay said it is much worse when it is colder out and the truck runs out of coats to give out.
I know that times are tough for everyone with today's economy. Here is some proof. After you do bell ringing, they send you a letter stating how much people donated during your shift. This past season, people donated about $78 during my four hour shift. Btw, thanks to all who donated their time and money. But a few years ago, my total during a four hour shift was over $240! I think the Salvation Army was several million short from their goal for the bell ringing campaign.
Have a nice weekend folks!
I happened to be on the South Omaha one last week. It's super easy volunteer work if you are guys are looking for some volunteer opportunities. Lindsay, Melissa, and I actually just stayed inside scooping already prepared food into take out containers. We then handed them outside through the little side window to the Salvation Army workers that handed them out to people in need. Easy as that! They do the driving, they know the stops. We were done in two hours and the time just flew by.
It was kind of sad seeing the 2-3 dozen or more folks standing outside the truck waiting for a hot meal. Even families with small children just needing meals. Many even asked for clothing, nothing fancy, but even just things like clean socks and gloves! My friend Lindsay said it is much worse when it is colder out and the truck runs out of coats to give out.
I know that times are tough for everyone with today's economy. Here is some proof. After you do bell ringing, they send you a letter stating how much people donated during your shift. This past season, people donated about $78 during my four hour shift. Btw, thanks to all who donated their time and money. But a few years ago, my total during a four hour shift was over $240! I think the Salvation Army was several million short from their goal for the bell ringing campaign.
Have a nice weekend folks!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Came across this quote
Made me chuckle.
-the Edmonton Cycling Club web site-
"You know you're addicted to cycling when...
You view crashes as an opportunity to upgrade components."
You view crashes as an opportunity to upgrade components."
-the Edmonton Cycling Club web site-
Nike commercial with some trials riding
Pretty cool commercial by itself, the trials riding makes it even better! At 40 seconds.
Link to video here since blogger chops the ends. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYFaqYJbzrs
Link to video here since blogger chops the ends. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYFaqYJbzrs
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Snowboarding in CO with some craziness mixed in!
Why would there be craziness you ask? Because that's how we do! Is there ever a normal weekend or a normal trip with friends? Heck no! And once again, this trip to Breckenridge confirmed that! We had eight of us in a cabin just outside of Breckenridge. Can you say private hot tub? Screw the community pool/sauna/hot tub. Private is definitely the way to go if you ever plan to rent a place out there. What does a private hot tub provide you with? It means that you can drink in there until 5am, party hearty, then wake up in less than three hours to hit the slopes all day! Then repeat! Come one, those of you who know me and have read this blog know that we always give 120% effort on the weekends!
Josh and Eric getting their lift tix at Copper Mountain.
Cody and I on the chairlift at Copper
Love that view!
Umm yeah. $10 Canadian beers. But I think they actually eased the pain the second day on the slopes

It was super busy at Keystone
Unfortunately, that branch was not staged!
Eric's turn to wipeout from Misterlime on Vimeo.
Cody tearing it up at Copper Mountain!
Another pic of Cody
Yup, that's me!
Eric and sis Steph at Keystone
Eric and I making it down Keystone, yes he falls again from DJ Chi Wai on Vimeo.
Eric snowplowing his way down
Cody pointed out that the slopes spell the word Sky
A coincidence that my last name also means King?
Drinking at the Motherload in Breckenridge
Private cabin in the woods
Barb with her humongous bottle of wine
Barb and Josh eating "Pork Wings" at Breckenridge Brewery. Josh also discovered Rolling Rock beer that night.
Scott and Jenn at the cabin
The drive out was pretty terrible. We took two vehicles out, Eric and I rode with Cody in his Suby. Can you say black ice once we passed North Platte? Made for a long and interesting drive. Nothing like seeing a silver Volkswagon fly by you only to see it sliding all over the lane not even 100 yds later. Yikes! Then the drive back, not much better with the amount of snow that they got in the mountains before hitting Denver. Loveland Pass had just reopened, cars were sliding into guardrails, and the tow trucks were out left and right. Thanks Cody for getting us home safely!
Night number two in the hot tub. Yes, I wear my sunglasses at night in the hot tub!
Okay, the hot tubbing stories. First of all, there is nothing cooler than sitting in a 103 degree hot tub while it is snowing at night and only 8 degrees out. Yes, that was our first night there and we were in there until 5am. The second and third nights, we were just as loud but ONLY stayed out there till 3am. The difference being that I decided to change it up a bit. With that I mean jumping out of the hot tub and running to the snow. Once there, I proceeded to make a snow angel with nothing but swim trunks on. Wow it was cold!!! Can you say brrr? Can you say crazy mofo? After realizing how cold it was, I would then run back and jump into the hot tub. Weird thing is that it feels like pin pricks all over your body. Like a shock treatment. I would be lying if I said my angel's wings were as good a Victoria Secret model's wings. But hey, I wanna see them do snow angels with next to nothing on. Okay really, I would like to see that!!!
Warning, attempting somersaults in the snow will put snow in your hair and all over your body
Sometime around 2am
Making snow angels in the cold, freezing, snow! from Misterlime on Vimeo.
It was Eric's idea the first night, but he never followed through. Asian persuasion got him out there on the third night!
I'm not sure if Natalie knew what she was getting herself into when she agreed to meet us that night!
And this ain't 30 degree temps, more like in the teens!
Good times folks! I can't wait to do it again next year. Okay, so I've done all the playing in the snow that I care to for the year. Time for the weather to warm up so I can hop back on the saddle!
At first glance, the sign says Eat Dogs. Also points out how "You Are Nowhere"
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Motorcyclist camera rolls during accident
Crash boom bah! Check out this video from a helmet mounted cam of a motorcyclist getting hit!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Happy Chinese New Year!
Here is your language lesson for today. "Gong Hei Fat Choi!" That in Cantonese means happy and prosperous new year! Want to impress that hot Asian girl at the Chinese restaurant you eat at everyday? Well there you go!
Year of the Rabbit this year! Happy Chinese New Year folks! I'm off to Colorado to carve some snow with the Burton! We'll throw in some hot tubbing and partying for good measure!
Year of the Rabbit this year! Happy Chinese New Year folks! I'm off to Colorado to carve some snow with the Burton! We'll throw in some hot tubbing and partying for good measure!
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