Sunday, December 21, 2014
Jenny's Xmas party!
So I'm cheap. I started making my own costumes. Made one for Halloween. Made one for a Christmas party last night at Jenny's new house. I had originally planned to buy my costume from Nobbies or the party store. But for $30, all you got was the elf tunic and a hat. No shoes, no tights, no satisfaction in that! So looking at a $50 costume at the least.
Well my supervisor said, buy the fabric and make your own. That got the hamsters in my head spinning. Yeah why not? Stopped at JoAnn fabrics and found the fabric. $5 a yard. Cheap! I took a number and waited to be helped. How much fabric do you need? I have no clue. Its for an elf costume. I chuckle. The older lady laughs, well this will be a first as she holds the fabric up against my back and measures out 7/8 of a yard. Cool. Got some half priced red holiday fabric and I was good to go.
I don't have a sewing machine, and have only really sewed once in my life (home ec in 7th grade doesn't count). I had to fix part of my grill cover and wow, the sewing job I did on that was horrendous! Time to learn the trade! I traced my scrub top from work to get a sizing, and my supervisor suggested that I take it in a little bit to make it look better. Okay. So I cut it in a little bit.
Well I had cut too much. It would be a tight fit. Oh well, I'll make it work. I cut, I sewed, and tada, I was done! I told my supervisor about the fit. She said just take it out a little bit. room to take it out. Why not? Because I had cut it to size. Ha, guess I'm suppose to cut it and leave about an inch a half of extra fabric. No clue. You live and you learn. Anyway, found some striped tights. Found some funky glasses and suspenders. Costume done!
Ebikes...what do you think of them?
It's cheating was what came to my mind the other day when the topic had popped up on FB. You don't have to pedal. It's like a motor bike. It will just tear up the trails.
But today, a person that I follow on FB and he follows me posted about his new Felt Lebowske that he recently acquired. I've seen pictures of him riding previous fatbikes, so I know he has them (Moonlander, Krampus, etc). Well now he has this ebike, that happens to be a fatbike. What do you think?
Now before you start objecting so fast. Here is the kicker. This rider named Craig Smith has an incurable muscular disease. Craig lives out of state so I have never met him. His muscles are dying and they don't work how they are suppose to. Similar to ALS but its not. That's as much details that I know about his health. So now what do you think? Imagine you have biked all your life, you love being outdoors with friends and family, and you just love hitting the the trail after work. But suddenly, that is taken away from you because of a health condition. Or say you have bad knees and those hills are impossible to ride up. So now what say you? Anyway, this is copied directly from Craig's FB post (with his permission). Read on and maybe ebikes will change your mind. Mine was changed after reading his post today.
Contributors: Craig Smith (owner) and Sue Franz
Taken at South Kettle John Muir Trails
My 1st ride on the new Felt Lebowske went well. This bike will change my life. The LEBOWSKe is electric assist and the motor only gives you a boost when you pedal.
1st Impressions... The bike fits and handles excellently, but I wouldn't mind a little more standover clearance.
I rode the entire ride, 8.98 miles, in ECO (50%-lowest assist) for 98.5% of the time, and used the TOUR (125% assist) only for a couple hills. The bike has 2 more levels of assist, but I'm just getting familiar with the bike and was wary about possible ice (there was none) so the two lowest settings were fine, fun, and still a very good workout. My muscles may be dying but I can still improve my fitness.
For me, this is very similar to riding when my muscles worked and I was in shape. I was still huffing and puffing at the top of the hills, but this time I waited for Sue. The last few years she's had to wait for me. I will need to get in shape to ride fast enough to ride with my fast and fit friends again and this bike will be fun getting me there.
We were passed by 10 to 12 other riders and didn't pass anybody, but that's normal for us.
Comparing times from the same route on my Krampus last May on dirt, I was slightly faster (6.82 mph vs 6.73 mph) but didn't work as hard and had plenty of energy left. Part of the problem of my muscle disease (besides dead muscles) is I lose a lot of energy after an hour, it's kind of like starting a ride already bonked, but today I rode for 1 hour and 20 minutes and was still fresh.
My hands got a little tired, but I'm not sure if it was from the thin Felt Grips or muscling a 48 pound bike around the trail. As heavy as the bike is, it feels fairly light when moving. And the SRAM Guide RSC hydraulic w/ 4-piston caliper: 180mm Centerline rotors were fantastic at keeping the big beast under control down the hills.
But today, a person that I follow on FB and he follows me posted about his new Felt Lebowske that he recently acquired. I've seen pictures of him riding previous fatbikes, so I know he has them (Moonlander, Krampus, etc). Well now he has this ebike, that happens to be a fatbike. What do you think?
Now before you start objecting so fast. Here is the kicker. This rider named Craig Smith has an incurable muscular disease. Craig lives out of state so I have never met him. His muscles are dying and they don't work how they are suppose to. Similar to ALS but its not. That's as much details that I know about his health. So now what do you think? Imagine you have biked all your life, you love being outdoors with friends and family, and you just love hitting the the trail after work. But suddenly, that is taken away from you because of a health condition. Or say you have bad knees and those hills are impossible to ride up. So now what say you? Anyway, this is copied directly from Craig's FB post (with his permission). Read on and maybe ebikes will change your mind. Mine was changed after reading his post today.
Picture from Felt webiste, linked below
Contributors: Craig Smith (owner) and Sue Franz
Taken at South Kettle John Muir Trails
My 1st ride on the new Felt Lebowske went well. This bike will change my life. The LEBOWSKe is electric assist and the motor only gives you a boost when you pedal.
1st Impressions... The bike fits and handles excellently, but I wouldn't mind a little more standover clearance.
I rode the entire ride, 8.98 miles, in ECO (50%-lowest assist) for 98.5% of the time, and used the TOUR (125% assist) only for a couple hills. The bike has 2 more levels of assist, but I'm just getting familiar with the bike and was wary about possible ice (there was none) so the two lowest settings were fine, fun, and still a very good workout. My muscles may be dying but I can still improve my fitness.
For me, this is very similar to riding when my muscles worked and I was in shape. I was still huffing and puffing at the top of the hills, but this time I waited for Sue. The last few years she's had to wait for me. I will need to get in shape to ride fast enough to ride with my fast and fit friends again and this bike will be fun getting me there.
We were passed by 10 to 12 other riders and didn't pass anybody, but that's normal for us.
Comparing times from the same route on my Krampus last May on dirt, I was slightly faster (6.82 mph vs 6.73 mph) but didn't work as hard and had plenty of energy left. Part of the problem of my muscle disease (besides dead muscles) is I lose a lot of energy after an hour, it's kind of like starting a ride already bonked, but today I rode for 1 hour and 20 minutes and was still fresh.
My hands got a little tired, but I'm not sure if it was from the thin Felt Grips or muscling a 48 pound bike around the trail. As heavy as the bike is, it feels fairly light when moving. And the SRAM Guide RSC hydraulic w/ 4-piston caliper: 180mm Centerline rotors were fantastic at keeping the big beast under control down the hills.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
MNbrrrr(R) and Elise's Birthday celebration WEEK
Monday night start off decent. Got out of work, temps in the 40s. Okay, I'll take it. Late to MNR, can't find anyone but start talking to a guy named Peter that I met while riding the Fort Street Loop. He's on his Motobecane Fatbike. Cool! Lives north of Tranquility.
The famous xmas houses next to the trail. One had to show the other up. Music. Dancing lights. Crazy!
The fatman is trying to lose some weight
Eventually come across the gang, the fatbike gang. I think there were probably 5 fatties that I counted. That is alot of fat. But then it got cold. The wind picked up and my sweat was starting to get cold. Time to call it a night and go run some errands.
More specifically, order flowers for Elise's birthday. Happy Birthday babe!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
A couple things this weekend
THOR Trail Workers' Appreciation Day
Saturday, November 1 at 12:30pm
Meet at the Lake Manawa Trailhead (kiosk) near the boat ramp. Food, beverages, good friends. Ride after, good times galore! More details ask a THOR member or hop on FB Thor page.
THOR Pub Crawl
THOR's pub crawl is back with a Mardi Gras theme. We are bringing back the route from two years ago to get some more miles on the bikes and are inviting the GOATZ to participate if they would like to include a run. We will be starting at the Crescent Moon and ending up at the Sydney to hear the Prairie Gators Band cap of the night with some fun Cajun music and dancing. There will be the usual poker run with prizes and prizes for the best costumes. A $5 cover at the Sydney to cover the band. Everyone is welcome to join in costume or not.
Saturday at 6:30pm - 2:00am
Nov 1
The route!
1)Crescent Moon (6:30-7:15)
2)Dundee Dell, (7:15-8:00)
3)The Homey, (8:00-8:45)
4)Krug Park (8:45-9:15)
5)Sydney (9:15-2:00am)
Saturday, November 1 at 12:30pm
Meet at the Lake Manawa Trailhead (kiosk) near the boat ramp. Food, beverages, good friends. Ride after, good times galore! More details ask a THOR member or hop on FB Thor page.
THOR Pub Crawl
THOR's pub crawl is back with a Mardi Gras theme. We are bringing back the route from two years ago to get some more miles on the bikes and are inviting the GOATZ to participate if they would like to include a run. We will be starting at the Crescent Moon and ending up at the Sydney to hear the Prairie Gators Band cap of the night with some fun Cajun music and dancing. There will be the usual poker run with prizes and prizes for the best costumes. A $5 cover at the Sydney to cover the band. Everyone is welcome to join in costume or not.
Saturday at 6:30pm - 2:00am
Nov 1
The route!
1)Crescent Moon (6:30-7:15)
2)Dundee Dell, (7:15-8:00)
3)The Homey, (8:00-8:45)
4)Krug Park (8:45-9:15)
5)Sydney (9:15-2:00am)
Friday, October 24, 2014
It's raining and you're on your bike
So you need one of these. Or maybe not. Great for going in a straight line, with no winds and no trees IMO. Dryve
Could have used a raincoat Wednesday night during our ride, funny thing is a I almost brought my waterproof shell, but figured I would get to hot so said oh well. Even had some roadies at the shop ask me, "You're gonna ride now? How do you ride in the dark? Can't believe you're gonna ride now that it's dark! " then the roadie goes on to say oh, you're gonna get wet! Thanks for the jinx!
Could have used a raincoat Wednesday night during our ride, funny thing is a I almost brought my waterproof shell, but figured I would get to hot so said oh well. Even had some roadies at the shop ask me, "You're gonna ride now? How do you ride in the dark? Can't believe you're gonna ride now that it's dark! " then the roadie goes on to say oh, you're gonna get wet! Thanks for the jinx!
Friday, October 17, 2014
Get out and ride!
I was sick with a sore throat and cough over the past two weeks, then Elise got Strep, then it rained, then get the picture. Haven't been riding for awhile. Until this week. Wednesday, Thursday, and now Friday after work. Night riding at its finest while temps are still in the 50-60s. Get it while the getting is good! Be careful of the raccoons, the opossums, the skunks, the hooting owl, and whatever else might spook the crap out of you. Because they are out there...just waiting to jump out in front of your bike!
Tranquility is in really great shape right now, thanks to everyone who has helped to dig out the rutted areas. Makes for prime riding, especially helps in the night riding department because you're less prone to hit the sides. Charge up those lights and get out there!
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Shedding some light...
Yes, bad pun intended! Mtbr does a bike light shootout. Check it out. Maybe someone needs to send me a light to check out for them!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Panhandler caught on video getting into a new car
Wow, this is crazy. The old lady denies that its her car. Just yells at the guy who has been giving her money, he even gave up his lunch to give her money. Sad how people take advantage of others.
I once saw some program where a guy actually quit his day job because he found out that he could make more per day standing on a busy intersection asking for money. They get elaborate with old clothing, fake arm slings, and signs to get people to give.
I once saw some program where a guy actually quit his day job because he found out that he could make more per day standing on a busy intersection asking for money. They get elaborate with old clothing, fake arm slings, and signs to get people to give.
Last week's MNR
I happened to miss tonight's ride. Got out of work late, it start raining on the drive home...excuses excuses. Ended up taking a four hour nap instead! Needed it after this weekends partying! Anyway, here are some pics that I took from last week's MNR.
The wildlife was up close and personal last week!
Happy Birthday to Paul!
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
And then sometimes this happens
And you're miles away from home. And you have no tools or cell phone on you. Just your two feet and a hand. The hand because you need to lift the rear of the 35 lb bike all the way home because the rear wheel is now decentered and rubbing against the frame. Grrr...the great stories of riding a vintage SS!
I should probably get some locktite and put some on to prevent the rear hub from slipping again.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Uh oh, things just got real.
Real for salsa that is because now they have competition for my money! Salsa bucksaw, full suspended fat. 9zero7, fat bike full suspension in prototype stage. Get some....
Photo from
hmm...the Niner 29+. This bike could be fun!
photo from
This is brilliant!
How many times have you lost your commuter light at the bottom of your bag, car, work bench, etc etc? Well, why not a magnetic light! Seriously I can never find my rear taillight especially before running out the door for a taco ride or pavement ride. This would solve all that!
Friday, September 5, 2014
Not the dollar crap you buy from Hy-Vee. But the massive ones that cost big bucks and require a decent amount of breeze to get up in the air. These were out in Elkhorn the other weekend. I recently bought a kite (small enough to fit in my suitcase!) and had it going on the beach at Myrtle Beach. Fun and great time although I need to modify it just a little bit.
My sister being lazy and flying her stunt kite while laying down under the beach umbrella
There's some new fat in town!
I'm not jealous yet...yet I say. But getting close. New colors, wheel sizes and brands, and lighter carbon fatbikes are slowly surrounding me on the trail. So many choices! But that's a good thing! I hope it's a while before someone brings around the Bluto suspension fork on their fatbike. I say this because I just might have to jump on THAT bandwagon!
There's some new fat in town!
Yeah sometimes we ride other nights!
Mondays...A long weekend often equates to a crappy day at work on Monday. The day is long and nobody really wants to be there. A good ride with friends afterwards always helps to set the mood for the rest of the week. But what happens when an impromptu ride gets set up for any other day other than Monday? just ride of course!
Wow. I guess deer do have to pee.
And then they rode off into the sunset...
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