We started at the doggy park by Heflinger Park and biked the Big Papio trail until well past L Street. We had just passed a jogger by Center Street when I heard a hydraulic sound, like a hiss of air. I asked Todd if he heard it and he said that something had hit his shoe. I looked over across the creek and I see a couple of kids sneaking through the pine trees about 100yds away. I see them peeking out at us, so I yell, "We know you guys did it!" I point at them and I see them take a few steps back into the trees. Pretty sure it was just a BB gun, pretty harmless but still it took us by surprise.
This photo of my friend Julie is only being used for representation of somebody holding a Daisy Red Ryder.
The Big Papio trail is pretty clear for the most part. Some icy sections below the bridges, some snow/ice sections here and there, but not too bad. Funny how I can workout five days a week in the gym, but a 12 mile paved bike ride just wears me out and makes me realize how out of shape I am. Call it a reality check before the biking season sneaks up on us!